
New Year, New You!

Jasmine Brown

     Starting a New Year is always exciting! Whether you are beginning a new semester of college or focusing on your New Years' resolution there are tons of things to look forward to! The best thing about the new year is that you get to start fresh! You get a chance to redefine who you are! Who do you want to be in 2015? Fun? Inspiring? Chic? It is natural to want to revamp yourself for the new year, become a better person inside and out! Of course everything worth having is worth working for so it will be a tough journey, you will slip and fall back into your old ways but then you will pick yourself up and get back at it! 

    We believe at Aero Boutique that if you look good, you feel good and so the best way to begin this 2015 transformation is with a few wardrobe updates! Nothing drastic just a few minor changes that will help you represent the person you want to be this year! 

    This year is all about COLOR! Ditch the boring black trousers and plain old navy jeans, rock some fun printed party pants or some sexy red skinnies! You will feel like a whole new person and everyone you come in contact with will go ga-ga over your new fashion forward wardrobe! 

    The next big thing we hope to see more of in 2015 is clothes thatfit! One thing I personally can't stand is a too small top or a baggy pair of mom jeans! Just STOP! You deserve better than that! Go to your nearest Aero Boutique and ask for help! We love to help our customers find items they can't live without! Get that tailor-made fit without the tailor-made price tag! Not near an Aero Boutique? No problem! Shoot us a message on Facebook or Instagram with your wardrobe malfunction and we will be happy to help! 

    If nothing else changes this year we beg each and every one of you please find your CONFIDENCE in 2015! A confident woman is something that no terrible tweed jacket or ratty old pair of jeans can hide! If you are confident in yourself you will be unstoppable this year! You will conquer things you never even dreamed of and you will look good doing it! 

    The girls at Aero want to wish you a Happy New Year and good luck in all your future endeavors! Until next time! 


                                                                                                                                                     AERO Dolls!


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