Welcome to our blog!
This website has been more work than I EVER imagined but I know in the end it is so worth it to be able to serve our faithful Aero lovers all around the US! I can't wait to get this up and running so that ladies from Ga to Cali can shop Aero online. :)
This website will continue to be a work in progress and will continue to grow and expand just as our store and story is every single day. Our goal at Aero is to provide ladies of all ages, shapes, and sizes with cute, comfy and affordable fashions that are hot and trendy! We want every lady to dress and feel her absolute best EVERY single day of the year!
Our hopes with attaching our blog here is so we can share stories from modeling shoots to expansions and growth of Aero! We love and appreciate all our faithful supporters.
Stay tuned and this site will be LIVE soon and I cant wait to share it with you all!